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Buddhistické citáty [ ID: 36807 ] - [ Filozofie, náboženství / Východní filozofie a náboženství ]
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"Ochraňuj Dharmu a Dharma ochrání Tebe."


Více info o buddhismu:

FEIDRAUTHA   14:34:29 05.01.2021
„Tvá touha tě uvěznila v tomto světě – díky té samé touze se z něho i vysvobodíš.“

- Hévadžratantra -
FEIDRAUTHA   14:31:07 04.01.2021
„Hladovým nepostačí jenom poslouchat o jídle, musí ho sníst. Stejně tak samotná znalost dharmy k ničemu nevede, je potřeba ji praktikovat.“

- Milarepa -
FEIDRAUTHA   13:13:16 23.12.2020
Důležité až půjdeme zítra k vánočnímu stromku ;)

„Okamžiky největší radosti se objevují, když zapomeneme cokoliv očekávat.“

- Lama Ole Nydahl
FEIDRAUTHA   11:19:07 20.12.2020
„Pokud chceme dosáhnout vysvobození, musíme si přiznat, že našimi skutečnými nepřáteli jsou rušivé emoce.“

- 14. Künzig Šamar rinpočhe -
FEIDRAUTHA   11:26:49 18.12.2020
„Znám jen jednu svobodu a to je svoboda mysli.“

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -
KODO   21:14:34 21.09.2016
FEIDRAUTHA   09:50:22 24.01.2016
KODO   17:20:40 09.11.2015
FEIDRAUTHA [ 16:01:20 09.11.2015 ]: no nevim teda...:16)
FEIDRAUTHA   16:01:20 09.11.2015
"Don’t try to change life, but change the way you look at it.
Make peace with this moment, be kind and be gentle to yourself."
~ Ajahn Brahm
KERMIT   00:06:09 06.11.2015
"There is a lot of light in darkness and there is a lot of darkness in light"
FEIDRAUTHA   09:45:26 01.11.2015
FEIDRAUTHA   08:10:44 27.10.2015
Píseň o Samsaře od velkého tibetského básníka Milarepy

When you are young and vigorous
You never think of old age coming,
But it approaches slow and sure
Like a seed growing underground.
When you are strong and healthy
You never think of sickness coming,
But it descends with sudden force
Like a stroke of lightning.
When involved in worldly things
You never think of death’s approach.
Quick it comes like thunder
Crashing round your head.
Sickness, old age and death
Ever meet each other
As do hands and mouth.
Waiting for his prey in ambush,
Yama is ready for his victim,
When disaster catches him.
Sparrows fly in single file. Like them,
Life, Death and Bardo follow one another.
Never apart from you
Are these three ‘visitors’.
Thus thinking, fear you not
Your sinful deeds?
Like strong arrows in ambush waiting,
Rebirth in Hell, as Hungry Ghost, or Beast
Is (the destiny) waiting to catch you.
If once into their traps you fall,
Hard will you find it to escape.
Do you not fear the miseries
You experienced in the past?
Surely you will feel much pain
If misfortunes attack you?
The woes of life succeed one another
Like the sea’s incessant waves
One has barely passed, before
The next one takes its place.
Until you are liberated, pain
and pleasure come and go at random
Like passers-by encountered in the street.
Pleasures are precarious,
Like bathing in the sun;
Transient, too, as snowstorms
Which come without warning.
Remembering these things,
Why not practise the Dharma?
FEIDRAUTHA   09:41:56 25.10.2015
jedna z nejsympatičtějších stránek buddhismu :-)

„Nevěřte mým slovům, protože vám je řekl Buddha, ale prověřte je. Buďte sami sobě světlem.“
- Buddha Šákjamuni -
FEIDRAUTHA   21:20:49 22.10.2015
FEIDRAUTHA   06:23:25 18.09.2015
FEIDRAUTHA   10:32:15 11.08.2015
The only difference between you and me is that I know you are Buddhas :-)
17. Karmapa Thinle Thaje Dordže

fotka z iniciace v Eurocentru v Immenstadtu :-)
FEIDRAUTHA   21:45:03 19.07.2015
Buddhistický tahák :24)
FEIDRAUTHA   06:24:37 08.06.2015
FEIDRAUTHA   15:04:56 03.06.2015
FEIDRAUTHA   17:01:01 02.06.2015
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